Slot Number Wow Classic

4/11/2022by admin
Slot Number Wow Classic Average ratng: 3,9/5 4836 votes
  • Here is a list of the item slot numbers for your character: Head = 1 Neck = 2 Shoulders = 3 Body = 4 (shirt) Chest = 5 Waist = 6 Legs = 7 Feet = 8 Wrist = 9 Hand = 10 Finger1 = 11 Finger2 = 12 Trinket1 = 13 Trinket2 = 14 Back = 15 Mainhand = 16 Offhand = 17 Tabard = 19. Here is a graphical explaination of your character's item slot numbers.
  • Action Slot IDs can vary for some classes and are completely arbitrary to the buttons they exist in. As of 1.11, World of Warcraft allows 120 Action Slot IDs, numbered from 1-120. The IDs 1-72 are used by the six default bars (see below for the button ranges). IDs 73-120 are used by the stance bars of some classes.
  • Action Slot IDs can vary for some classes and are completely arbitrary to the buttons they exist in. As of 1.11, World of Warcraft allows 120 Action Slot IDs, numbered from 1-120. The IDs 1-72 are used by the six default bars (see below for the button ranges). IDs 73-120 are used by the stance bars of some classes.
  1. Slot Numbers Wow Classic
  2. Slot Number Wow Classic Alterac
  3. Slot Number Wow Classic Addons
  4. Slot Number Wow Classic Loot

Facebook tweet World of Warcraft macros guides. → #showtooltip macro usage and how to make your own Wow macros with dynamic, changing icons. Posted on: - Updated on.

1. Macros 101

Slot Number Wow Classic

Open up the macro window. You can do this either by opening the main menu and selecting Macros, or by typing /macro (/m) in the chat box. At the top of the window, you'll see two tabs: General Macros and Yourname Specific Macros.


Slot Numbers Wow Classic


General macros are stored on an account-by-account basis and are shared by all your characters.

Immediately under the tabs is a grid of 18 boxes where the macros are displayed. Under those, there is a single box which displays your currently-selected macro with a Change Name/Icon button next to it. Below that is the edit box where you actually type the macro. Finally, at the bottom you have a number of self-explanatory buttons.

Slot Number Wow Classic Alterac

To create a macro, click the New button at the bottom of the window. This brings up another small window off to the side where you choose the icon and type a name for the macro. If you choose the question mark icon, WoW will automatically pick an icon for your macro based on what spells or items are listed in the macro. Once you have chosen an icon and a name, click the Ok button.

Wow classic item slot number

A few notes: You can control what icon is shown in place of the question mark with the #showtooltip command. Although you can name two macros the same.

Now you will notice that the macro icon you chose has been added to the 18 boxes mentioned earlier. The newly created macro will also be selected so now it's time to start writing your macro. Click in the edit box of the macro window to start typing.

Slot Number Wow Classic Addons

Macros have a 255 character limit.

Slot Number Wow Classic Loot

When you are done typing your macro, click the Save button, drag the macro's icon from the grid and place it on an action button.

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